Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

What a race!

21 October 2024

Dear friends,

What a race this last week has been. A blessed race! Before we left Västerås our brother and friend Daniel Alm visited our in our bus and we had a nice time of fellowship. We also met our brother Stefan Peterson who took us out for pizza before our take off. It is such a blessing to have so wonderful people in our lives.

With brother Stefan in Västerås

We arrived in Tierp and parked the bus behind the church. It was the first time I met brother Micael Lahtinen who is the pastor in the church, Nordupplandskyrkan. It was a wonderful meeting since our relationship started with a fight that led to forgiveness and reconciliation as we are called to do.

Tierp, Sweden

On Wednesday evening we had did our thing there and we did it differently. i opened up with some songs from the new Swedish album and then me and Micael sat down and talked in front of the people. It was wonderful to do this as a change and it was fun as well. Lots of humor involved. I talk about sensitive things as panic attacks and me being a hypochondriac. Back then it was far away from fun but today I can laugh at it and thank Jesus for setting me free.

It was a wonderful night in many ways and every single time I come to the part where I share my memories from my deathbed in February 2007 I get emotional. I have so much to be thankful for. After the service we continued our trip and drove from Tierp to Falun.

With sister Heli Stolpe in Falun, Sweden

On Thursday we got up early as the pastor from the local Pentecostal church picked us up and took us there. Our first meeting this day was a lunch for people in need. There were pretty many people and it was a holy moment. God did something that made this whole trip worth everything and way much more.

LP food & music in Falun, Sweden

I also met sister Heli Stolpe who is godmother to our twin daughters. Her husband, my friend and brother Janne Stolpe a great guitarist moved to be with the Lord soon ten years ago and she now lives in Sweden. Was wonderful to meet her as well.

The church Fristaden in Falun, Sweden

The same evening we had a service at another church, församlingen Fristaden. It was a cozy church and we had a good crowd. I shared my life and sang my songs as usual. I did not have as much time as I usually have but we managed to get everything said that needed to be said.

We also prayed for several people after the service and it is grace to be able to pray for others. When we were done we packed the Gospel Express bus and drove up to Runemo where we parked outside the Betel Church and went straight to bed.

Betel in Runemo, Sweden

The following day I took a walk and it was one of those wonderful fall days. Runemo is one of many places that feels like home to me but still there is something very special with tish place. I just love it and love the people there.

Me and brother Ulf on our way to church

Brother Ulf picked us up from the bus early evening and took us to the Pentecostal church in Edsbyn where we set up our gear and waited for people to show up. I was a bit sceptic but right before 7pm people started to show up and I was surprised over how many came to church on a Friday night.

Edsbyn, Sweden

I have constantly been coming back to Jesus own words. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. The more I am out sharing the good news the more I realize that the message about salvation needs to be bold, simple and clear. I do not want to confuse anyone. I want everyone to grasp that Jesus already did it all so that everyone who believes in Him shall be saved. Many religions people have reacted negatively when I say that I think we don’t go to hell because something we did here on earth. We go to hell because we left something undone and then I mean we did never accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

It was a wonderful evening in Edsbyn and Saturday morning I woke up feeling very sick. I was coughing and I had fever. Sebastian had it before me and now it was my turn. I did not feel good at all and I started to stress about the weeks last meeting at the church in Bollnäs.

Happy on the road

Brother Ulf picked us up from the bus and took us to Bollnäs where we set up inside this massive old cathedral with a serious echo. I was still sick after soundcheck and a bit worried. We spent some time at the coffee table but I took a cup of tea with honey and before we started the church bells rang for four minutes. During that time I just kept asking Jesus to help me thru the evening and to be honest I was nervous when I walked up to my chair.

The poster for this tour

This tour has been different than other tours since we are out doing the songs from the new album in Swedish. There is something to say about each song and each song can also be applied on my life story. It has been more music and less talk but it has worked very well.

Bollnäs, Sweden

I guess with more songs in the luggage and skipping less important part the sessions have been more compact and straight on. Again I kept repeating that there are no other ways to God or salvation than through Jesus Christ and sometimes when I feel I keep repeating myself I feel God telling me to keep going on. When you get that feeling that God is backing up what you do you become bold and you know you can’t be wrong when you quote the word of God.

Our little merch table

More and more the word of God is finding its place in my life story or vice versa. I see this as a good thing as there is power in the word of God. The evening in Bollnäs went very good and people came up and talked afterwards. It is another important part to take time to talk to people, even if you are tired.

When we were done brother Ulf took us to the bus and we packed our gear and started our journey towards Viksjö and Mat & Nostalgi where we are now. Yesterday we just took it easy and hung out with Stefans sons for a while. I am still amazed over this place and excited about the future.

We signed the guest book in Viksjö again

This week we are just going to be here and cure the flu as well as work on our little guitar store we have here.In order to continue we need to get some income and looking at next year we really need to get some work done on the bus. The bus has been saving us lots of money the last three years and it has been our home on the road. Very convenient and money saving!

Our home in Viksjö, Sweden

We still have one more evening this tour and this coming Saturday we are at Höge Kapell in Indal. We started at a funeral in Indal and we are ending in the same community. Pretty interesting how everything worked out. When I get home I can’t wait to start working on my new songs I have in my head. A new release is on its way but not before next summer or next fall. The working name is ”Back to my roots” and as I grew up with Elvis, The Boppers, Stray Cats and that genre I am returning to my roots.

My very first Harley Benton and the 2017 Rockabilly Redneck guitar in Viksjlö

Thank you all for your prayers, support and thank you Jesus for all wonderful people we have met so far this tour. It has been worth it an way more. One saved soul is worth so much and we do not see everything God is doing. This last week was quite a race but together we made it! Thank you all!

God Bless You All!

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Keeping Gospel Express on the road and winter missions in Finland!



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Thank you for standing with us and doing this together with us!