Dear Friends,
It is almost one month since I updated the page but since we got home from our long tour in Sweden I have been tied up with different things. I have done my best to help my elderly parents as well as take care of my own health. I have been very strict with myself and done my daily walks.

Because of our family situation I have decided to take time out the rest of this year and do what I have to do and work on new music. We have recorded a Christmas song this year again and it is an honor to have Johnny Hatton, Rodger Carter and Janne Hyöty on board. The single is being released December 6th on all digital outlets.
I have spent lots of time in the studio working on new material and the more I compose and write the more I am returning to my roots. The music is more a mixture of Rockabilly and older rock and roll. Lets just call it Rock’n Rollabilly.

A new album is under work and I have had that magic time in the studio where my ideas has been flowing and of course the message is very important. Call it christian or call it spiritual but I sing about Jesus and that God is good as I feel that people need hope in todays dark world.

Right now I am with my wife in Umeå, Sweden. We have been together with Stefan and Monika at Mat & Nostalgi in Viksjö working on our music shop inside their retro shop. They have many of my old guitar for sale as well as new guitars for Christmas and of course they sell Harley Benton guitars as I do not play anything else.
It is just recently I have been working with a few different body shapes with Harley Benton parts and necks. The latest addition is a Flying Finn body made by the maestro Matti Nevalainen himself. I have known him for 30 years and he came up with that body shape a long time ago. Funny how the Johnny Depp guitar have the same shape but I guess it is raw business. I just pray Johnny Depp would get to try the real deal a Flying Finn instead of a copy.

For now my guitar is a ”Harley Finn” and I have been using it in the studio and it is such a beautiful instrument to play. We are currently booking dates in The Netherlands and Germany for the spring and early summer as well as confirming dates for Sweden and Norway next summer. I am happy to do what I can right now and keep looking forward.

It has been a busy year but I will write about the year later. It has been an adventure but now I will take rest of the year off.
God Bless You All!

Keeping Gospel Express on the road and winter missions in Finland!
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