For example, through our travels in Latin America, Millie and I have seen that in virtually every Spanish and Portuguese speaking country, the people are consumed by Soap Operas. Yes, even Christians. Even Pastors and Ministers. They are so consumed that their day outside of work is filled with watching suicide, fornication, murder and family drama on television. They say it is culture. We say it is sin! They are blinded to the truth in this matter! Remember: “Walk in the Spirit (capital S!), and you WILL NOT FULFILL THE LUSTS OF THE FLESH.” Galatians 5:16. That word “walk” is the Greek word “Peripateo” and it means “to live it and be fully occupied with it.” In order to seek first His kingdom, we must be walking in the Spirit ALL THE TIME – NO EXCEPTIONS. If we died to sin once and for all, this should be a constant practice! When you are walking in the Spirit in the midst of the drama at your job, in the middle of the hopelessness of the world around you – suddenly you have something that EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS! Suddenly you are contagious to the world. Suddenly you are living a lifestyle of revival which has the effect of reviving all that are around you in the Spirit! One of the things which often inhibits believers from being that contagious, radical, Holy Ghost drunken warrior is fear and intimidation. The word warns us in many, many places not to fear man. In Hebrews 13:6 it says that “we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” If we are consumed by fear of men, then we are not consumed with fear of God. If we are not fearing God, He cannot teach us to live a lifestyle of revival – and the only thing that will be contagious about us will be our shortcomings, complaints and problems. Is that how you want to portray the kingdom of God?
At times I have struggled with intimidation and fear, especially in some of the satanic clubs that we have preached the Gospel in! The best way to overcome these struggles is to radically act out in the opposite spirit! You would be amazed to find out your authority in Christ, and I am convinced that it is one of hell’s best kept secrets. Every picture that the church has ever had, and that the world has ever had of Christianity is about to be shaken. It must happen in order to usher in the manifested last-days glory of God! When God shakes things, we tend to wine and cry about it. Those who live a lifestyle of revival will not do this. Instead, they will realize that when God shakes things up, chains break and captives go free as in Acts chapter 16! When the prison was shaken – the chains of EVERY prisoner fell off! Do you know why? Because Paul and Silas were not intimidated, nor afraid. Instead, they were acting out in the opposite spirit of the one that dominated the circumstance that they were in!
For this reason the Holy Spirit gave us the name “Seismic Revival Ministries” for our revival ministry! Those who live in these last days with a revival lifestyle will be a discerning people, a people that practice walking in the Spirit constantly, and a people who do not cower to fear or intimidation of man. We cannot walk in the Spirit if we fear man! 2 Timothy 1:7 says that “God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.” The word used here for “fear” is also the word “timidity,” thus I use the term radical often to describe how we should be. The word “power” means a mighty power which is able to reproduce itself (which then brings us to our faith which I will discuss in Part 3 of this teaching)! The word “love” there means the agape, unconditional love of God, and the term “sound mind” means discipline and self-control! If you are born again and spirit-filled, God has already infused you with these things! To sum up part two of this teaching, those that learn to live a lifestyle of revival will be a people that act out in the opposite spirit then that of the world. –
Rob Radosti Jr.
Part 3 coming soon….
Part 3 coming soon….
Read part one HERE
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(Please write "Rob and Millie" in the memo)
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(Please write "Rob and Millie" in the memo)
580 Victoria Court
Pen Argyl, PA 18072 USA
All gifts are tax deductible! May HE multiply back to you all that you sow for HIS glory!