Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

In His presence

24 January 2025

Dear friends,

I hope this year has started good for you all. It has started different here but I should say that it has started very good. There are things that has been emotional within the family, for example my father moving into a nursing home. There is a time and place for everything. Dad turned 90 years in December and has had a good life and has always been loving and encouraging.

On a walk with my wife

I remember two years ago when I turned 50 years old, it hit me that I most likely have more behind me than coming up. I went through an emotional time then as well but today I am more and more getting along with getting older. The good thing is my faith and the grace of God that gives me not only a hope about a life after this, it is also a promise from God. As said so many times I quote John 3:16 where it clearly say that God so loved the world (you and me), that He sent His Son (Jesus) so that all who believe in Him should have everlasting life. Rest is just grace and everything else is manipulative religion made up by man.

On walk on water, frozen water

I have had a chance to do daily walks with my best friend, my wife. She has been by my side for over 34 years now. Over the years I have been so much away from home both in the past and even as a disciple of Christ. It has felt good to be together with her as she is as I said my best friend in life. Family is very important to me and becomes more and more important every day. Some people do not understand when I say that I put God first and family second. It does not mean that I do not love my family enough. It has to do with that when I put God first, He will also take care of my family.

On a walk in the sunshine with my best friend, my wife

We have had a very mild winter so far but I have been able to do a couple of rides on the ice on my snowmobile. I just love the freedom we have here in our archipelago but due to warmer weather the ice has not been safe enough to get out there so I do pray for colder weather. I like when winter is winter and summer is summer. I am out in the archipelago both summer and winter as long as it is possible. A place where I really can relax and just see good in everything beautiful.

On a snowmobile ride in the archipelago of Vasa

Last. time I wrote that I am working on two new albums and I have spent lots of time in the studio. Right now we are praying for funds to get the Rockabilly album further in the production chain and out before we start touring. The acoustic album has taken a fantastic turn. I got a cello for Christmas and as a child I played cello and studied here in Vasa at Kuula Institute. This is 40 years ago so I have had to practice and it has not been easy but it works.

In the studio with the cello

When I have been in the studio working on the acoustic songs I have felt like I am in the presence of God all the time. I have written some new songs as well as re-recorded some old songs as well as a few old classic hymns. With this album and this music I want to share the presence of God. Over the years I have seen that the slow songs that I wrote shortly after I got saved are the songs that are touching people. I do not touch anyone but God is using the music to touch people and I want to see God touch more people that ever before this new year.

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The B tuned Harley Benton acoustic guitar

The acoustic album will have 15 songs. Of those three are new songs. I put on a set of 0.16 - 0.70 on my Harley Benton acoustic guitar and tuned it down to B as a baritone guitar so the sound is a bit different. With the guitar, cello and a piano it is most likely a boring record for many but I should say it is a record that you put on and sit down and live with the songs. All songs are hope inspiring as I want to share the hope that we have in Christ with as many as possible.

We also spend much time with our birds

As I said earlier, this gives us also the opportunity to do churches and places where they just don’t like rock and roll. We can do either an acoustic evening that we call ”In His presence” or the regular ”Rockpastor” set. We can also combine the both. We want to be open minded with where we go so we can make the best possible set for the location.

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If I dont have anything else to do I lay down and rest in the snow

Mid April we hit the road and we are doing our tour of The Netherlands and Germany from April 14th to June 6th. In July we return to Sweden and when we come back home it is already fall. I am very excited about what is coming up this year and I want to thank all who are working hard together with us. I want to thank all who are praying for us and supporting us. We could use some more financial support as our monthly supporters can be counted on one hand.

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Soon I will share some of the new music with you and this is all very exciting. Hope you are excited as well!

God Bless You All!

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Fixing the bus for the coming year and new music projects
to be released before we hit the road again!



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Thank you for standing with us and doing this together with us!