While waiting on the summer we can read the news of a cloud of ash all over Europe that have messed up the flight traffic within, to and from Europe. Is this a sign that we are living in the end times. Looking at pictures online from Iceland where the sky is black in the middle of the day makes me wanna be sure of my own relationship to the Lord as nobody knows when Jesus is coming back.
If our Saviour not comes in the near future we have lots of interesting things coming up before the summer and I just feel that I should encourage you all Christians to go out and tell all the people about Jesus Christ, this is what we are called to do. If you´re not a believer yet you should open your eyes for the Lord and listen to those who are telling the truth. It is as simple as that, we believe or we believe not. I should say that after knowing the Lord for some years now and reading His word I am absolutely sure that Jesus IS Lord and that HE is the way, the truth and the life. He is my way, my truth and my life and he can be your way, your truth and your life as well. He actually died for you and me.
What have been bothering me lately are churches and Christians looking themselves blind on signs and wonders when it is so important to remember that we all ARE sinners. You might say "I haven´t done anything wrong" or "I have never sinned" but this is not true. We ARE all sinners and we have been given a great opportunity to turn around and repent from our sins because of the blood of Christ and Gods amazing grace. Of course I believe in signs, wonders and miracles as it is a miracle that I AM alive today and I have seen so many people getting healed, delivered and touched by God the last years that I know Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
If you dont know the Lord and feel that you want to know more, just click HERE to read the first steps of salvation. If all this is new for you, you are more than welcome to write to me and I promise to tell you more. Write to pjb@netikka.fi
Upcoming events:
This coming weekend, april 24th and 25th we will attend the Ostrobothnia Exhibition in Botniahalli outside Vasa, Finland. We have been there as Ambassadors For Jesus Christ (motorcycle ministry) the last two years and we have really seen some good fruit of this evangelistic outreach. If you are coming you´ll find us in section A210. We will give away Bibles and show you some cool Carparelli and Högberg guitars as well as at least one Harley Davidson motorcycle.
The following weekend I will be ministering in Toivakka, Finland on friday 30th. First in a school where I will have five classes and in the local Pentecostal church the same night. The following day I will give my testimony and play some music in Keuruu, Finland.
May 14th and 15th I will be in Lapua together with Gospel Riders to tell the people about Jesus Christ and about what HE have done in our lives and the week after that we are heading back to Stockholm, Sweden to hook up with the Jesusbikers for the Jesusmanifestation. I will be playing and preaching at two places then, in St. Clara kyrka together with Ulf Christiansson and in Rålambhovsparken with Tyresö Gospel, Lasse Lindberg and Peo Thyren. I am looking forward to all what GOD has in HS plans for me as I know when HE is behind everything will be good.
Then it is soon summer and we are heading out on the roads as Ambassadors For Jesus Christ!
God Bless you all!