It has been a while again since I wrote here on my "official" webpage. Sometimes there are no time to write as I dont want to write just for the writing, I really want to share things with you that GOD have put on my heart. Today I am blessed as GOD have been so good to me again and since I wrote lots of things have happened and now I have time to write it all down and share the highlight with all of you.
Meetings with evangelist Henry Holmberg
For some of you the name is familiar. I had only heard the name before but never met this man. Henry and his wife Inga-Lill came to Finland end of last month and had meetings at several places. Me, my wife and my youngest daughter decided to go and check him out at Frank Mangs Center in Närpes friday july 30th.
I did not know what to excpect but I was blessed to have my wife and my daughter with me to this meeting. His message and their songs were off the hook and I got blessed and GOD really touched me at the meeting at Frank Mangs Center. What I saw in Henry Holmberg was a man of GOD with much experience of both wisdom and GODS amazing grace. He also have a nice way to preach and he is easy to listen to.
We sat down for a while after the meeting and had a cup of coffee and exchanged some thoughts. The funny thing was that Henry is a good friend of one of my spiritual fathers, Sven Rönnlund. They were both having a meeting at Salteriet in Björköby the following monday and me and my daughter decided to go there as well.
The monday meeting was held out in the archipelago and the group of people who came this night where the older generation. Nothing wrong with that at all. I love and respect my older brothers and sisters very much. This night I had the priviledge to give my testimony and I really felt GOD speaking into the people. Of course I could see that some of them thought I was someone who came from the street and landed at the wrong place but in the mids of us all we had something in common and HE was there with us; JESUS.
It was another great nigth and also a beginning for a future relationship with Henry Holmberg and his ministry Kristen gemenskap över alla gränser. They have a conference later this year where I am invited to speak and when they asked if they can have my testimony in their next magazinge I said of course. It is all about what JESUS have done in my life, not about what I have done or not done.
More on the bike and more on the road
The day after the meeting in Björköby and the day before we left to Sweden me and Sebastian saw two bikers driving in Vasa. Of some reason I decided to follow them but lost them. Of some reason I decided to hunt them and found them at a gas station outside town. It was two brothers from Kokkola and it was all because of GOD we met this day. It is so important to listen to GOD and I am glad I did and followed them. We had a great lunch at Arken in Replot and I could tell my brother "Uffe" about the meetings with Henry Holmberg. He knew Henry but had not seen him for years and now I could tell him about the coming meetings the same week and yesterday I heard that the had met after all these years. Thats how GOD is working and I know it was one of the reasons why I started to chase these "unknown" bikers around town.
Wednesday august 4th me and my youngest daughter Jeannette went out on a little bit longer ride together for the first time. We took the ferry over to Umeå, Sweden and stayed the first night at a brothers and sisters home. Wonderful people who chose to move out from their own homes to give us a bed to sleep in. Thank you Mats and Cissi!
On thursday we started our road trip on the swedish side. It was such a blessing and a prayer answer that the sun was shining and that the weather was good. We rode from Umeå to Sundsvall and had some wonderful stops on the way. We saw the big bridge outside Härnösand and almost everywhere we stopped we met people who came and wondered what kind of people we are. It is amazing how GOD is sending people our way so we can tell them about HIM. This is how GOD is speaking to people who dont know HIM yet, HE is using us Christians to reach other people and it is such a priviledge to be in HIS service.
We arrived at Bänkåsviken at Alnön outisde Sundsvall where the Mefrictyhap biker meet was going to take place at thursday night and we met brothers and sisters we never met before. I cant stop loving my brothers and sisters and my family is getting bigger and bigger. How amazing it is to think about that one day we are all going to be together in heaven with Jesus.
On friday we took a ride to Sundsvall and in the area and when we got back more bikers from both Finland and Sweden started to check in at the bike rally. Our Ambassador brothers Olle and Jari came from Stockholm and this weekend we also got two new members who soon are going to be blessed into our ministry. I am proud over our minstry and of each and every member. We are growing and I feel that everyone is sent into the ministry by Jesus. Everyone is hand picked and I am excited about the future both in Finland and Sweden.
Friday night a local band played and there is no bike meet without sausages. Imagine that they had finnish sausages in Sweden!
Saturday was filled with adventures and program and we took a ride to Södra berget, a montain just in the middle of the town. We met our brothers from Believer MC there and I feel a strong connection with them and Heavens Bikers. I dont know what GOD has in HIS plans but I just got a word from HIM that we need to pray more for eachother and I will do that more and more each day. Another word that have been coming often lately is "more of you and less of me". Amen to that, according to the word of GOD we need to die from ourselves and let JESUS take over our lifes.
For me it is taking time and I do not believe that there is one perfect human being on this earth. It is like a process where GOD is working in us and often we have to die more and more and let GOD take away things we are carrying on. There are NO Christians that are perfect and who are without bad sides. We all have good and bad sides and those Christians who claim they are so holy and perfect are the most lost people ever. A while ago I heard a man preaching about what GOD demands from us if we are going to get eternal life. I am ashamed over that churches are letting people like that stand up in our churches and preach a false gospel. It is all about what JESUS did 2000 years ago and everyone who believe in HIM will get saved. We can not buy our salvation or GODS amazing grace. Our Christian life has nothing to do with weird manfestations and feelings. It has all to do with HIS promise to be with us from now and forever.
Saturday night me and brother Olle played some songs and I shared some things. Me and my daughter tried to go to bed early but as she were excited she kept me awake almost all night.
Sunday it was raining again and we had 300 kilometers to ride. I gave my testimony at the morning service at Bänkåsvikens sommargård and also met Kjell Lönnå. After the meeting we realised that GOD had heard our prayers as the sun were shining. We said thank you and see you later to our brothers and sisters and drove back up to Mats and Cissi in Umeå where we slept the last night of our "mini road tour for and with Jesus".
Thank you all brothers and sisters for a wonderful weekend and thank you JESUS for connecting me with all these wonderful people.
The future is bright
The future is bright and before our annual "Mission America" in october and november there are many things to do here in Finland and Sweden. Invitiations are coming in from different places. We will do a longer tour in Sweden in september or early october but before that it is time celebrate my 38th birthday. This will happen at Frank Mangs Center saturday august 14th during the Mangsweek 2010. Everyone who is attnending the night meeting that night will get some birthday cake :)
More meetings are coming up in Finland as well. Check the calendar for the latest updates!
Stay Blessed!
Love ya´ll!