Last night I returned from Sundsvall, Sweden after four wonderful and amazing days. It is amazing how GOD can do things through us, and even if we are not present. More and more I understand and feel that everything I have been through is a gift from GOD. Heard about people who told other people about the mighty things GOD done in my life and how GOD through this testimony touched people even if I wasn´t there. This feels good as it just confirms that any of the things has nothing to do with me. It is all about things HE have done and what people want to hear today is about things GOD done in our time. So, if you have a testimony about what GOD have done in your life do not hesitate to tell it to so many people as possible as your story can open up peoples hearts for GOD and people will get faith to believe in JESUS CHRIST. Imagine that people can get saved and get eternal life through YOU, even if you are not there. This is one of the many ways GOD works through us people.
Friday night we had two meetings at the pentecostal church in Sundsvall and both went good. It was great to see so many people show up and to me it was a blessing to welcome in two new members in the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ motorcycle ministry. Together with Ambassador Olle Kuivalainen from our Stockholm branch we prayed for and welcomed Berth and Anja Haka into the ministry. They are going to be Ambassadors in Sundsvall and I say it ones again; it is amazing how GOD is connecting people and building HIS church. Welcome in brother Berth and sister Anja!
On saturday we spent some time together with good food and I also had time to study before that nights meeting at another Christian biker club; Cruisers for Life in Sundsvall. They have a wonderful place, that is not looking like a church at all. A place where people can gather and a place to where people can come as they are. The place was packed that night and I had an awesome time in the presence of GOD. It is such a blessing to have Olle with me behind the piano when possible. Thank you Olle!
Sunday was a tough day. One meeting in the morning and again people got touched by GODS amazing grace and. Another meeting for a packed Elim church at night made this day perfect. Some received the Holy Spirit and some received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. To me this night ment much as one of my many spiritual mothers came. It was sister (mother) Lisbeth Kernell who prophesied over me three years ago. She is a wonderful and anointed prophet of GOD and it was just great to meet her and listen to what she had to say. We ended the night with a pizza together at a local pizza place that should have been closed. They kept it open for us; thank you JESUS!
Yesterday was rough. Spent some time at Elim church speaking to people and got to pray the sinners prayer with some of them. GOD shows up even on monday mornings. Just amazing! Before it was time to fly back home me and brother Berth and sister Anja had a wonderful lunch at the Sundsvall, Midlanda airport. I love these people and I know GOD has big plans for them. I am glad I ate right there as there were no more time to eat as I had three flights in four hours; Sundsvall to Stockholm, Stockholm to Helsinki and finally a bumpy ride from Helsinki to Vasa. Finally home.
Now it is time to continue the recordings so we can have the new single ready for the trip to America that is coming up. But before it is time to cross the Atlantic ocean we have more meetings here in Finland and this coming weekend I will be in Pori from friday to sunday. Check the calendar for more details soon. I have not got the final details myself so if you know where I am going to be let me know. LOL
I wish you all a blessed week!
Tule mukaan kahden doukmentin tekemisen seurantaan Netin kautta! Näitä pläjäyksiä tulee marraskuun alussa lähes päivittäin. Toinen dokumentti kertoo Jeesuksen muuttavasta voimasta ihmisten elämässä. Toinen kertoo ihmisen eheytymisen prosessista vaikean elämän jälkeen. Voit seurata tekemisiämme Netmission Streaming palvelun kautta. Klickaa kuvaa!
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