Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885


3 November 2011
Dear friends,

First of all I want to send you all love and greetings from Galveston, Texas. I have good news for you all. The "Thankful" album is now ready and available and I am nothing else than thankful. During the Lonestar Rally here in Galveston, Texas the coming four days the cd will be for sale. We are also giving away our JESUS LOVES YOU cd with four songs and some other specialities as a gift from the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ m/m during the rally. You can also order the "Thankful" album on-line but so far only from AikaShop in Finland. You can place your order HERE!

The last days have been just wonderful here in Texas. Tuesday morning me, brother Cele and brother Dogman took off to visit the 1000 hills ministries who does church service for the homeless every day, twice a day. They do a wonderful work for these people and what touched my heart was one brother coming up telling me that he used to be one of these homeless people two years ago. Today he has a home and he have been studying a school of ministry and the word of God and he is now one of those who are out there reaching souls. It surely is God's will to save souls as God loves people.

From there me and brother Dogman visited another wonderful ministry called The Table in the Wilderness. It is a home for people coming out of drugs and alcohol. They have a second hand shop and the people work there and they have a place to stay. They also get fed and most important of all they get the word of God served to them everyday. Brother Samuel Eby came out of this some years ago and today he is working at The Table. I hope you see where I am going at. People who used to be down are not hopeless people. Nothing is impossible for God and when God does something and you become one of His children, The Father will raise you up and you will be a servant. The best of all is that Jesus do not longer call us servants, Jesus calls us His friends. I think this is just so amazing. It is a sign of God unconditional love and grace for us human beings. During our visit there at The Table something strange also happened. Me and brother Dogman played some basketball. For those who know me that is a big miracle :)

Me and brother Samuel drove down to Galveston to set up our boot and I checked in at my hotel here. I have a nice view over the Gulf of Mexico. Yesterday brother John picked me up and took me to Houston to pick up some blessings. I never met these people but they just said that I could ride their bike while I am here and I just think this is so awesome. People who don't even know me let me have their 2007 Honda Goldwing and ride with it. That is also another sign of Gods love through us people. It is like this. God IS love and all love comes from God. Those who are not Christians and love other people are still doing something that is from God even if they say there is no God. There is a God and He is big. I have experienced that more and more for every day I breath. I can sometimes feel God breath life in me when I am down. It is hard to explain in words but ones you give your life in His hands you will surely see that your life is going to change.

On my way back to Galveston me and brother John visited brother Dogman and Sister Monica in Pasadena, Texas and we had lunch together. Me and brother John rode our bikes down to Galveston and the second day of this so far amazing trip came to its end. I had no problem falling a sleep.

Today the Lonestar Rally starts and we are all prepared to be out there filled with fire and love. We wont hit anyone in their heads with the Bible. We will walk in love and as long as we are in Christ and His word remains in us signs, wonders and miracles will take place. Do not only think about spiritual manifestations, and healings when we speak about signs, wonders and miracles. There is much more than that. Planting a seed in one soul that starts to grow is a miracle. Getting a sad people smile in this world by encouragement is a sign of Gods love. It is easy, it is about humanity in Spirit and truth.

I will keep you all posted with what happens after the rally. Next week is also going to be hectic. Meetings everyday here in Texas, only Saturday is off. You can get all the details in the calendar. Come out and se us, The Ambassadors For Jesus Christ, on the road for Jesus!

Love you all!


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Aktia Savingsbank
Palosaarentie 88, 65200 Vasa, Finland
Account number: 497011-28558
IBAN: FI8949701120008558