Rockpastor Ministries rf
Holmintie 3,
65200 Vasa Finland
+358 (0)40 140 9885

Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany

Living a life of fire

9 May 2013
Dear Friends,

Today I am writing to you filled with excitement. This year has so far been totally different than any other year and again I have asked myself if I ever felt this good before in my life. Even if I have been young and more healthy my answer is: - No, I have never ever felt as good as I feel today. All this is only because of Jesus and today I am thankful for everything I have. For over 30 years I was struggling with fear of the unknown. I was filled with fear of death as I did not know what happens when we die. Over the years the fear grew inside of me and it was fear that made me drink and use drugs for time period of 22 years of my life. Today I am free, not only free from addiction of drugs and alcohol, I am also free from the fear of death. Imagine that God loved the world so much that He sent His begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on a cross so whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. Eternal life means that we will be alive even if we die. As we believe in Jesus Christ with all our heart and confess our faith in Him we will get saved and receive eternal life and our names will be written in the book of life. This again means that when a believer dies he goes straight to heaven, to be with Jesus. The one who does not believe and rejects Jesus Christ goes straight to hell and will remain there in pain, fear and suffering for ever. These are not any words I am making up, it is all written in the Holy Bible that is the word of God. I am thankful that God sent people my way to show the love of the Father so I could repent from my sins and cry out to Jesus for my own salvation. That is when my life changed and before that I was on my way to an ugly eternity in hell but in that very same moment Jesus changed my direction and immediately I was not only forgiven for all my sins, I am also on my way to heaven. Heaven is a good place and it is God's will for you and for me to spend eternity in heaven together with Him. We still have to make up our own mind and make our own decision. In other words, the decision is yours.

Christianity is not boring

Since I became a Christian my own thoughts about Christianity and church has changed. Before I found it a boring place and I thought being a Christian meant that I had to stop do fun things and that life would be grey and boring. I guess my own picture was painted up because of the traditional church with its own rules, regulations, traditions and man made laws. Today I know better and to be a Christian is definitely not boring at all. When you give your life to Jesus and say: - Jesus! Here I am use me! That is when the amazing race starts. A race that can not be compared with any other race since Jesus already won the race and we can walk in that same victory. We can walk from glory to glory, all we have to do is to let God use us for His Kingdom and this is not like a regular job or work. I would rather call it living a life of fire. 

This summer it is six years since I had my first meeting and shared my life with other people. This at a local scout camp. I did not understand what made these three young people give their lives to Jesus that day but I knew something big happened. I started off with leading three children to Jesus and that just made me realize that if God can use me, He can use anyone. A fire started to burn in my heart and to preach the Gospel and tell people about Jesus became my desire. Since then I have travelled all over the place and I have seen Jesus not only save souls, I have seen people get miraculously healed after receiving prayers. Last time was yesterday when one of my dear brothers had a problem with his back. We laid hands on him and prayed and he felt heat going up and down his spine. Later the same night he told me that his back pain usually stays for at least a month, sometimes two months. Today it is less than one week since he got his back pain because of damaged discs and he is without pain, praising the Lord. It is things like these that makes me going and I am not going to stop until my Lord and Savior calls me home. I believe there is no retirement in the Kingdom of God.

The best thing of all is that I do not have to be a copy of another copy, I can be myself. Why should I wear a suite and a tie when I can wear blue jeans and a leather vest? Why should I wear clothes I feel uncomfortable in? There is no mention of this in the Bible and when we look at the Bible and the people in there, they were all originals and different. Personally I think it is time for the church to stop make copies of copies, that is something religious. It is time to start making disciples and it is not the church that should change us, so do not let church change you, let JESUS do it instead. That is the right way. Be yourself and let Jesus do His work in you and through you and you will be living life like never before and the best thing: your final destination is heaven. Sometimes I ask myself how stupid people can be when they reject Jesus Christ. What do they have to loose by giving Him a chance to proof His existence? The only thing you can loose is your place in hell and your dark thoughts. You can loose your illness and your depression. There is power in the name of Jesus and there is no limit on what you can be set free from. God is God and He has all the power in His hands. Just receive it by faith and become a child of the most high God. Trust me and believe me! You won't regret you gave your life to Jesus! Never!

A wonderful time in Germany

Last Monday I returned from a 11 day long missionary trip to Germany. I had a wonderful time, even if it was a hectic time. I was invited by Brother Markus Haut from Lion of Judah MM. He had set up the first tour of Germany and he did an awesome work. We did only a few churches and in those we had a fabulous time. God did His thing, we were just His vessels. Most of the time we were outside the four walls of the church and we visited some MC clubhouses as well as Bike Rallies. Again I got so see how important it is for us to step outside the four walls of the church and share the love of the Father with those who still are living on the outside. By doing what we are doing, showing the love of the Father, preaching the Gospel we are plundering hell and populating heaven. I just love that saying and yes, I am quoting Rev. Reinhard Bonnke, one of my favorite preachers.

Another thing I learned from both Rev. Bonnke and Pastor Tommy Lilja is to keep the Gospel simple so all people can understand what we are talking about. When we preach the ABC of the Gospel Jesus shows up with His presence and then it is nothing who can stop people to get touched by God. We can not touch people, it is all works by the Holy Spirit. At one of the clubhouses we got to share the ABC of the Gospel between a band playing. People were drinking beer and celebrating the last night of April. When we were done, people came to us crying out for God. They wanted to know more about this Jesus we spoke about. Again, these things did not happen because of us, it is all about Jesus and HIM touching people to show that HE is real. The love of God breaks any heart of stone and it does not matter how big and tough you are. It does not matter what you have been going through, all that matters is where you are going to and Jesus wants YOU to come to HIM.

One night we also visited KINGZ MC and their clubhouse in Grafenwoher. KINGS MC is mostly for US soldiers in Germany and they have chapters all around the world. It was a wonderful night and I felt blessed to be able to speak with the Americans since I do not speak German. The atmosphere in the clubhouse was wonderful and I felt like home being surrounded by Americans. Did I ever tell you that I love America?

The time in Germany was time well spent. Eternity will be different because of these days and all we did were standing on the promises in the word of God. One of them is that what ever we ask for in Jesus name we shall receive. We asked to be used by God and to see people get touched and saved. This happened and it was with a wonderful feeling in my heart I left Germany this monday saying; - Thank you Jesus, you did it again! You can check out our video blog from Germany by clicking here.

I would like to thank Brother Markus Haut and all the people we worked together with in Germany. I would like to thank all who came out to hang out with us. We had a wonderful time and because of all of us coming together there is a party in heaven.

Summer around the corner

The summer is around the corner and next week me and my son, Sebastian are off to Stockholm, Sweden. There we are going to hook up with the other members from the Ambassadors For Jesus Christ MM. There will be lots of events this summer but I have also done some changes to the summer schedule this year as the year has been busy so far. I will spend more time together with my family this summer and I am blessed to be able to travel some with my children as well. We have gone through some hard times together but God is a God of restoration and I can see our family being restored to a family after God's heart. I know we are all going to serve the Lord together in the future, only God knows when. Until then I am going to do my best both at home and on the road. I really enjoy life today, actually I have nothing worth complaining about. All glory to God, without Him I would be dead. I am thankful for every day!

Love you all!


The purpose of PJB ministries is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world. PJB Ministries is taking the Gospel about Jesus Christ to the needy people. PJB Ministries works with the outcast, the people who are nothing worth in the eyes of the world but precious in the eyes of God!

In addition, the ministry seeks to actively inspire and equip the body of Christ for evangelism through meetings at churches, conferences and through the Life in Him world wide TV program with true life stories and testimonies!

Frank Mangs Center who is a big part of our work have opened up a new account for this ministry and we are now looking for people who would like to partner with us monthly. At least I would ask you all to pray for our work and for the harvest of 2012. You can read more about being a partner in finnish or swedish by clicking HERE.

You can also do a direct donation to PJB-Ministries by bank transfer with the following information:

Aktia Savingsbank,Palosaarentie 88, 65200 Vasa, Finland 
Account number: 497011-28558 
IBAN: FI8949701120008558 / BIC- / SWIFT: HELSFIHH


CHASE account: 151691250 / Routing #: 267084131 / Swift: CHASUS33

To walk through these open doors we need YOUR help! First of all we would like to ask you to pray for our missions that we really will get to sow the seeds but also that we will see a harvest.

To walk through these open doors we also need funds and by partnering with us YOU can be part of the work we do for the Kingdom of God. We are now entering into a new year. Last year was successful and I had the honor and privilege to do 133 different meetings / attendances in seven different countries. I have high expectations for 2013 but we need your help. Together we can make a difference!

PJB Ministries
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
PJB Ministries
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
Davids Heart
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
Sternfahrt Kulmbach Rally, Kulmbach, Germany
PJB Ministries
Visiting a Catholic Church of the 14 saints?
Visiting a Catholic Church of the 14 saints?
PJB Ministries
Visiting Music Haus Thomann
Visiting Music Haus Thomann
PJB Ministries
Visiting Music Haus Thomann
Visiting Music Haus Thomann
PJB Ministries
Harley Davidson Freunde Party, Beyreuth, Germany
Harley Davidson Freunde Party, Beyreuth, Germany
PJB Ministries
Harley Davidson Freunde Party, Beyreuth, Germany
Harley Davidson Freunde Party, Beyreuth, Germany
Davids Heart
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
PJB Ministries
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
PJB Ministries
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
PJB Ministries
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
PJB Ministries
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
PJB Ministries
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Nurenberg 1:st of May Bike Treff, Nurenmerg, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Kingz MC, Grafenwoher, Germany
Davids Heart
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
Biker Union E.V Rally, Wachenbronn, Germany
PJB Ministries
Me and Markus on the road in Germany
Me and Markus on the road in Germany
PJB Ministries
CMS Rally, Rabenstein, Germany
CMS Rally, Rabenstein, Germany
PJB Ministries
CMS Rally, Rabenstein, Germany
CMS Rally, Rabenstein, Germany
PJB Ministries
CMS Rally, Rabenstein, Germany
CMS Rally, Rabenstein, Germany
PJB Ministries
Weinstadt bei Stuttgart, Germany
Weinstadt bei Stuttgart, Germany
PJB Ministries
Brother Markus and his wife
Brother Markus and his wife