I am so thankful and happy today when I am writing to you all about things that GOD is doing in my life. You who know me and have seen who I was before I met my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ must by now realise that God IS real. If you dont, just let me know and I pray for you and do not hesitate to contact me in any questions about your salvation. I can just say this: I guarantee you that GOD is real and that HE loves you, no matter who you are or what you have done. Jesus is the only one that can forgive us all our sins and when I look at my own life and where I am today I clearly see how amazing Gods grace and love is.
To all those who think you are my enemies and speak things about me and my family behind my back I can only say one thing: Jesus loves you very much and that you act like you do is just some of many signs that follow those who believe. The word of God says that signs shall follow those who believe and I see lots of people who chose to call themselves Christians but I see no signs. I have a brother over in the USA and his name is Todd White and he said something really cool and I am going to quote him right here right now:
"Unbelieving believers believes enough to go to heaven but not enough to get the heaven get into them"
(Todd White)
I can also give you one of my favourite quotations from my brother Todd Bentley. During the healing school at Morningstar a while ago he said something that really opened up something within me:
"A God that does not do miracles dont make any sense!"
(Todd Bentley)
It is time that we realise that GOD is real and that we ask HIM what HE wants us to do with our lifes. We can all be used by God and imagine how big that is. When was the last time you just stopped by someone on the street and told him or her: Jesus loves you? Actually you dont have to do much, you just have to get your butt off the couch and leave your comfort zone! Serving Jesus means getting off the couch!
I have been thinking lots the last days and all I can say right now is that GOD is good and my life is going in the right direction. It is not a secret that my financial situation is bad. Even if your dumb you can realise that if you look at my past when I was drinking three big bottles of Vodka every single day, spent money on drugs and my life was a mess. I am overloaded with debts and finally I am ready to tell you all straight! I want to be a straight shooter! These things dont make me to a bad Christian.
For some time I have tried to get people to partner with me but nothing have happened. I thought it was lack of trust within the body of Christ but there I was wrong. It was lack of honestly in myself! God spoke to me some days ago and told me to lay all cards on the table and search mentors for my financial situation and only speak the truth about everything. God even used one of those who are against me to realise that I HAVE TO BE A STRAIGHT SHOOTER.
Now not even a week later I have people partnering up with me wich means that I can continue doing what me and my family have built up these last two and a half years. Some of my friends have told me to get a dayjob and I asked God if thats what HE wants me to do. Again he kept telling me that He already told me what to do three years ago at the hospital when I was facing death. You who have red my testimony or heard it know what He said but for you others I will repeate HIS words to me:
"When you get up from this bed, go out and tell all the people about ME and about your life. Tell all the young people about the dangers and help those who have same problems as you have had!"
(Jesus Christ)
So, IF you feel God is putting my ministry on your hearth and you want to become a partner and sow into this work monthly I can now give you the opportunity to do this thru Frank Mangs Center where I have been working the last two years. All donations and gifts are tax deductible. For more information about this send an e-mail to pjb(at)netikka.fi you monthly gift can be 10 €, 20 € or what ever you would like to give.
As you might have seen I have added some new sections to the website just so I can share more stuff with you all. There are now seven sections in the left side navigation bar and I am going to explain these for you here:
Here you can access all the news and all the blogs from the very first day when this site was created by my good friend and brother Linus at Magnic Oy. He will also soon add some nice colors to this site :)
I hope you all know what a calendar is! If not, on this site I am posting all events, meetings, schools and other stuff where I am involved, speaking, singing or attending so you dont have to ask what I am doing that day :)
Yes, you red that right! I have released four books. Two in swedish, one in finnish and one in english. I also released a great Christian rock cd last year and all these items are available under this link. I do not take orders myself so you have to order from the different links. Order much and get blessed!
My new book in swedish, "En rockares väg till korset" is now also available so you can order it by visiting this section!
Here I will post stuff in swedish and here you will find links to other blogs and to mickelsson.net where I often publish my thoughts and teachings in swedish. All to satisfie my swedish readers.
If you can read you can also learn! As I am not a teacher I wont teach too much. There is the simple steps to Salvation and a simple gospel. I am also posting other peoples teachings that I like for example my brother Rob Radostis teachings can be found here. So if you want to learn check that out!
It is as it says! True stories about peples lifes and how Jesus have changed their lifes. Awesome testimonies about Gods love and grace. If you have a testimony and want me to post it here you are more than welcome to send it to me on my e-mail: pjb@netikka.fi
Links are links and here I have collected and am collecting links to sites that are important in my spiritual life. Churches, ministries and more. There are also links to different stuff being written in the press and links to videos from some of the meetings and concerts among with other clips. It is like watching TV on the computer. That did never happen when I was a kid! I did not even have a computer!
Well, that was all for this time and I just would like you all to stay focused on Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. If you have a chance I would also like to invite you to come to the upcoming meetings. March 20th I am giving my testimony in Pori, Finland at The day of country and Blues in Teljän Kirkko at 4pm. Check out the calendar for more events and meetings.
God Bless you all!
Pontus J. Back
If you would like to sow into the work we are doing for the Kingdom of God please use these details or donate thru PayPal by clicking the donate button! With your donation we can take our ministry to another level and our goal is to reach as many souls as possible. Each and every soul is important!
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